For this episode of the Front Row to Front Bench podcast, Alix Coombs speaks with Amelia Twine, Founder of Sustainable Fashion Week
Following a decade working in sustainability in food systems and hospitality, Amelia now
works in campaigning for a just transition to an equitable, regenerative fashion industry.
Amelia ran a sustainable womenswear platform before founding Sustainable Fashion Week
(SFW) in 2020.
SFW works in creative community engagement to inspire consumer
behaviour change, highlighting the different entry points to sustainability in fashion to make it more relevant and accessible to people from all backgrounds. SFW ignites community-led action to inspire, empower and upskill people - equipping them to change their fashion habits.
Amelia provides consultancy and project management for various organisations including
The Good Clothes Show, South West England Fibreshed and is the co-chair for Fashion
Roundtable’s Sustainability & Social Justice Committee.
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